Getting started with ChiantiPy


  • CHIANTI, the atomic database for astrophysical spectroscopy (Version 10 or later)

  • Python3 (3.8 is the current development version)

  • Numpy (currently developed with 1.20)

  • Scipy (currently developed with 1.6)

  • Matplotlib requires a GUI library


    Once one of these is installed, it must be set as the backend in your matplotlibrc file, e.g., backend: Qt5Agg

  • ipyparallel (required for multiprocessing with ipymspectrum)

  • (not really a prerequisite but extremely useful) IPython version 7.21 and Jupyter

Install the CHIANTI database

The gzipped data tar ball can be downloaded from the CHIANTI website

  • put the file in a convenient directory, cd to the directory and untar the file

  • ChiantiPy uses the environment variable XUVTOP to find the database. Set XUVTOP to the name of the directory where the CHIANTI data tarball was placed. For example

setenv XUVTOP /data1/xuv/directory.where.the.tarball.was.placed

or on Windows: To set the environment variable, go to Control Panel -> System -> Advanced System Properties -> Environment Variables.

Some sites have the CHIANTI database maintained as part of a SolarSoft distribution. In that case, simply set XUVTOP to the directory were it resides, usually something like $SSW/packages/chianti/dbase

Install the Prerequisites

On Linux systems this can usually be done with your package manager.

On Windows, Linux and Mac systems, it is possible to use

  • the Anaconda distribution from from Continuum, or,

  • the Canopy distribution from Enthought.

On Windows, it is also possible to use:

All of these packages are free, at least for noncommercial use (I believe) and have a considerable amount of documentation. You shoud check the version of IPython that is provided.

Install the ChiantiPy package

In order to be compatible with the latest version (10) of the CHIANTI atomic database, it is necessary to install the latest version (0.10.0) of ChiantiPy

pip install ChiantiPy


pip3 install ChiantiPy

I have not tried this with ChiantiPy, myself.

The ChiantiPy package can be downloaded from the ChiantiPy project page at Sourceforge, untar it, cd to the directory where it was unpacked, and then, as root

python install

If you do not have root privileges, simply put the ChiantiPy directory in your PYTHONPATH

python install --prefix=somewhere_in_my_PYTHONPATH

or on a Mac, with the Anaconda package

python install --prefix=/Users/your_user_name/anaconda/

Thanks to Peter Young (GMU) for providing the instructions for installation on Mac and Windows

Note - ChiantiPy interactions with various GUI backends

First, Matplotlib requires a GUI backend and can be specified by the user in the matplotlibrc file. Matplotlib expects to find this file in $HOME/.config/matplotlib, although it might require that you copy it to that directory.

ChiantiPy also uses a GUI dialog widget set. Selections can also be made via the command line. The user choice is specified in the chiantirc file. One is included with the distribution. On Linux, if it is copied into either the $HOME/.config or $HOME/.chianti directory, it will automatically be picked up. It is a text file and can be edited. On Windows, it should be copied to $PROFILEHOME/.config or $PROFILEHOME/.chianti where it will also be picked up. Otherwise, the default GUI is to use the command line. A default chiantirc file is included with the distribution.

In order for the ChiantiPy dialog widget to be used, a backend for them must be initiated. If you choose the same backend for matplotlib (PyQt5 is best) as for the ChiantiPy widgets, then running %matplotlib in an IPython or Jupyter session will do the trick. In an interactive Python session, invoking a matplotlib or matplotlib qt command first should also do the trick.

matplotlib inline


matplotlib qt

if you are using Qt5

If you choose to use a GUI backend other than that used for matplotlib, then in an IPython or a Jupyter command the following magic commands are also available to start the backend:

%gui qt

ChiantiPy has mostly been tested with the Qt5 backend for Matplotlib and using the ChiantiPy Qt5 widgets.